Thursday, September 6, 2012

Unlocking Book Marketing For Self Publishers and New Writers

First and foremost, you must get your marketing plan put into action as soon as possible.

There are a lot of decisions to make, and often the biggest mistake made when self publishing is to put off considering a marketing plan until AFTER publishing. Writers want their book to be the best in its genre - but to stand out from the crowd, you must market your book very carefully and start early. There's a reason "Product Launch Formulas" are so popular in the Internet Marketing world - you have to get your customer's attention if you're going to get people to purchase.

Your target demographic is the most critical aspect of your game plan.

Unlocking Book Marketing For Self Publishers and New Writers

Before promoting your book you should be aware of your target audience. Who do you want to buy your book? The correct answer to this question is not "Everyone, Everywhere!"

Look at Robert B. Parker's "Spenser" series - you may remember the ABC TV show starring Robert Urich as Spenser and Avery Brooks as Hawk. Parker wrote something like 50+ novels centering on his soft-hearted, gun-toting private eye, and every one was a bestseller... but shortly before Parker's death, he released a Spenser novel that was pretty roundly panned by both critics and readers. Why was this one book, from a writer who seemed all but guaranteed a success, far less popular than usual?

Because Parker failed to appease his existing audience - adults, usually (but not limited to) women over 35 - and on top of that, he failed to grab the interest of the NEW audience he was trying to court - the "young adult" market. This particular novel focused on the never before revealed childhood of the protagonist. The readers considered "young adults" could care less about the character's origins, and the existing market found the story too juvenile.

To reach your target audience, you must be focused on them.

Identify your target audience and gather as much data on them as you can. Outline your goals and objectives (what you hope to achieve) and determine your budget and implement your strategies (how you plan to reach your goals).

Then, determine what form your book should take. For example, the dimensions and typography, number of pages, type of paper, etc. If you're going the e-book route, consider very carefully how you want your book formatted, protected, and in what type of file format you want to publish (Kindle, iPhone/iPad, simple PDF, LIT file, etc).

Bestsellers are NOT always the best written books!

Marketing and promotion can make a huge difference. Common wisdom used to be that the only way to become a best-selling author was to go through a major publishing house. However, many bestsellers have actually been self published and even self promoted - Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle was first published by his parents, and Cassandra Claire and Jim Bernheimer have both gained fame by writing free stories online and have successfully crossed over to become published writers. The online blog Julie/Julia was picked up by a major publishing house (and then turned into a Hollywood motion picture!). Has something similar to your book already been published? Make sure to do some initial research before putting all your effort into selling something that's been done before. Capturing your target demographic is critical, so choose a title carefully.

Believe me, a cover IS worth a thousand words.

Your cover should be very directly targeted to catch your audience's eye. What appeals to the reader for whom you are writing? Jim Baen (the founder of Baen Books) was well-known for choosing book covers that attracted an audience, rather than necessarily reflecting the content of the book.

The cover of John Ringo's There Will Be Dragons is a perfect example. On the cover there is a woman scantily clad in chain mail with a bow and arrow in her grip, next to her is a dragon with spread wings, and above everything is a rocket ship speeding through the sky. The dragon is a metaphor for voluntary genetic modifications, and there are no scantily clad women in the book or rocket ships. However, what better way to catch the eye of browsing shoppers, and still manage to explain to the reader that this is a fantasy novel with a lot of science fiction elements?

Writers are sensitive creatures!

The first thing you need to learn is that if you plan to handle the marketing and publicity of your book on your own, you need to get serious, quick. Marketing requires a thick skin and a strong backbone. Sensitivity may be great while writing your book but you must be practical when it comes to marketing. Don't take anything personal, especially reviews! Bad publicity is still good publicity - just ask all the female pop singers who seem to go crazy... and then become even more popular. Or ask the creator of the Buffy TV series - his show Firefly got cancelled by the network, only to be picked up as a Universal movie!

Promote Online

Books promoted online have several advantages over those that are not. Marketing can be cheaper, managing and TRACKING your campaigns can be far easier and more accurate, your startup costs are lower, and there's a greater opportunity for interacting with your audience. Most importantly, your book should have its own special website (if you have multiple books, each one should have a site and you should have a separate author site). Show off your book's cover, offer exclusive excerpts, display reviews and testimonials on the home page and provide links to stores and distributors. If your online publisher has an affiliate program, be sure to use that system (every penny you earn is well-deserved, right?).

Submit your book to books in print databases

Many online and brick and mortar bookstores use these databases and that means more potential sales for you. Use an email promotion campaign to promoting your book, and consider online advertising (Google AdWords) or affiliate systems like ClickBank. Write a sales letter that you can distribute online or mail to bookstores (go to the Baen CD archive and look at the CD listings starting with "P" for examples).

Having a blog has now become one of the most profitable ways to promote online. Using popular blog software like WordPress is an easy way to manage your entire website and market your book - it's search engine friendly, it's easy to update, and it's easy to customize with options that let your readers promote for you. A small, custom designed WordPress site will not cost you a lot to have professionally done, and will reap many benefits.

Marketing your book is an ongoing process and will require constant re-evaluation. Always be aware of what works for other authors and incorporate ideas when they make sense for you.

After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

Unlocking Book Marketing For Self Publishers and New Writers
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Joe is the Lead Designer and front-line customer support tech for Surfacing, a web hosting biz established in 1997. Joe's dozen-plus years of experience has led him to focus on e-commerce and geo-targeted SEO/marketing for smallbiz - mom&pop shops, entrepreneurs and writers.

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

LinkedIn Hits a Home Run With Great New Features in 2011

2011 was quite a year for LinkedIn. In March, they surpassed 100 million members and are now growing at a rate of one million users each and every week. In May, they were the first social media site to go public, starting off at /share and going as high as 2 before settling in around . As of this writing, shares are trading in the 70's. Congrats to Reid Hoffman, Jeff Weiner, and the rest of the LinkedIn team for one whale of a year.

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You may be saying, Big deal. Good for them, but what does that have to do with me? I am just one of 135+ million members. Well, it is a big deal because both of these bits of information should keep them in the game longer and allow them to continue to grow and improve the platform. The longevity of LinkedIn is critical to all of us who are investing our time and effort and growing our networks on the site.

With those thoughts in mind, I decided I would be like the thousands of experts in the world who put together a year-end "best of" list for their area of expertise. Not only am I going to share the best new LinkedIn features of 2011, but in typical Wayne fashion I will also give you my thoughts on how you can best use them to grow your business along.

LinkedIn Hits a Home Run With Great New Features in 2011

So, ladies and gentlemen (drum roll, please), here are the\ best new features released by LinkedIn for 2011.

Company Status Updates

This feature is just one of many great enhancements to the functionality of the company page (previously called the company profile). If you haven't begun formulating a strategy for using this feature, you are missing the boat - what could be a really big boat.

It is similar to the individual Status Updates, which I consider to be the number one way to stay in front of your connections with great information. However, instead of communicating with your connections, the company Status Update enables companies to communicate with followers.

Strategy Tip:

Add a company page, decide who is going to be your voice for your company Status Updates, encourage followers, and share your best stuff with those followers. If you don't think people who follow you for the sake of listening to your knowledge and expertise will ultimately consider you and your company in their buying decision as well as recommend you to their friends, you just don't get how business in the new online world works. They do and they will.


This feature is a major enhancement to what used to be called Classmates, and it is very popular because people enjoy doing business with and want to help people who attended the same school they attended.

With the Alumni feature, you can now more easily search by all schools you have attended and years attended. However, searching is not limited to the years you attended the school. You can discover where alumni work, what they do, where they live, and other miscellaneous profile information.

Strategy Tip:

List all schools you have attended on your profile, including high school and any industry specialty schools, access the Alumni feature, and then get out your old college sweatshirt and hat and start networking.


This feature was added to make it easier to find individuals who have specific skills. LinkedIn added a Skills page to the overall site and now allows you to add a Skills section to your profile, where you can list up to 50 specific skills you possess.

I haven't found the Skills page itself to be particularly helpful as of yet. However, including Skills in your profile will help you in the LinkedIn search rankings for the keywords you include and will highlight those skills on your profile. Both of these are great reasons to do this.

Strategy Tip:

Add the Skills section to your profile, and include words that describe the skills you have amassed over the years as well as the words that are most critical to you on a going-forward basis. These words are not just the general functions you do, like finance, but specific details, such as budgeting, cash flow analysis, tax preparation, or even specific software you know how to use. Keep in mind you are trying to come up with the words someone will use when searching the LinkedIn database to find a person just like you.

In addition, check out the Skills section on LinkedIn and do a couple skills searches to see if you can gather any information that might lead you to other skills you may want to consider including.

Additional Student Profile Sections

LinkedIn really came through for those of you younger people who were screaming for a way to differentiate yourselves when you are just getting out of college. In the past you may have thought the standard profile sections seemed perfect for your parents but not for you.

You can now add the following optional sections to your profile: Projects, Honors & Awards, Organizations, Test Scores, and Courses. These sections make it much easier to differentiate yourself from your competition by telling your unique story.

Strategy Tip:

Add all the special sections to your profile that you think will help break you apart from the rest of the pack. Include not only the facts of the situation, but add an interesting personal story or specific example that ties into the entry and demonstrates strong job-related skills if possible.

For example, if your Courses section includes a study abroad experience, share a story about the leadership role you took on the trip and how you succeeded in your role. This will help the reader understand what special skills you will bring to the workplace.

Volunteer Experience & Causes

In addition to our business story, most of us want to share with the world what matters most to us on a personal level. This new LinkedIn section not only helps you tell your story, but it helps your favorite organizations gain additional exposure.

In addition to listing the general causes you support (financial literacy, education, etc.), you can include a detailed explanation of each organization's mission and your personal involvement with them. Thanks, LinkedIn, for helping us help others.

Strategy Tip:

Significant volunteer efforts show the reader of your profile that you care about things outside of business and you work hard even when you are not at your workplace. Most people value these personal traits, and sharing this information in your profile may set you apart from your competitors and result in increased business and referrals.

Before meeting with someone for the first time, check out this section of their profile. It may give you some good conversation starters to get the meeting rolling. If a businessperson has taken the time to include this information, they are probably dying to have you inquire about the organization and their involvement. This is a home run.

When doing my research for this article, I learned the next two features were actually announced in late 2010. However, I am including them in this list because they are extremely powerful, and I would not want you to miss them.

Company Products & Services

Who wants to have a free online display of your products and services, accessible by millions of people, with real people (including photos of their smiling faces) recommending your stuff, video supporting the details, sharing capabilities, multiple variations of the landing page based on your audience's profile, a full set of website analytics, and a link right to the place where they can buy your stuff?

Did I mention this is all free?

Well, welcome to the new and improved world of the LinkedIn company pages, including a Products & Services tab. This section is still in its infancy and we are all learning as we go here, but don't let that stop you from getting started. What are you waiting for?

Strategy Tip:

Add a company page, add some products and services, get recommendations, and learn like the rest of us. Oh, yeah, and don't forget to encourage followers. After all, they have given you permission to share with them. Gaining followers on LinkedIn is now a very important strategy for your company. Get busy, and start encouraging people to follow your company.


When the clickable word "Share" popped up all over the LinkedIn website late last year, I and many others didn't really realize we were just handed a very efficient way to "share" our expertise even when we didn't start the conversation or write the content.

Many of us are working hard to establish ourselves as thought leaders in our industry and with the customers we serve. This has gotten so much easier with all these online tools available to us. Even the smallest businesses can join the game.

Simply put, the Share function on LinkedIn allows you to share content, discussions, products and services (and who knows what else will be added in the future) with all the constituencies that matter to you. This includes not only your first-level LinkedIn connections but your Twitter followers, any of your LinkedIn groups, and even people who are not on LinkedIn.

Strategy Tip:

Get used to this. Sharing is here to stay, and functions like this on LinkedIn and other social media sites are the way our audiences (who have given us permission to do this) will look forward to hearing from us. That is not to say it will replace traditional advertising, but who knows.

So, what is the tip? See what others are reading, looking at, referring to, and talking about. If it applies to some of your audience, get sharing. They will appreciate your doing so.

Also, if you and your company have developed, written or published any great information, be sure to post that in your individual and/or company updates. You just don't know how many of your connections and followers will then share it with their network, and on and on it goes. This is how you spell viral, isn't it?

LinkedIn Hits a Home Run With Great New Features in 2011

Wayne Breitbarth was once a skeptic and now is an outspoken proponent of LinkedIn, "LinkedIn Guru" Wayne Breitbarth is passionate about helping business professionals--from entry level to CEO--learn how to combine their previous experience and relationships with this innovative tool in order to more successfully brand and market themselves and their businesses.

Wayne's diverse professional background uniquely positions him to assist not only individuals but corporate entities as well. With thirty years' experience in the areas of operations, finance, management, consulting, and business ownership, he is able to "put it all together" for his corporate and individual clients.

In addition to his consulting work, Wayne is a dynamic speaker. His practical yet entertaining presentations have inspired audiences both locally, at many of Milwaukee's most prominent companies and organizations, and nationally, at conventions, industry association events, and corporate training sessions.

You can download a free chapter from his book "The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success" Kick-start your Business, Brand and Job Search" along with other free LinkedIn resources and weekly tips at:

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