Friday, November 30, 2012

The Seven Characteristics of a High-Performing Team

If you lead a team, you know that the journey to high-performance is ongoing. It's the rare team that achieves high-performance and just stays there. In my business life, whether I've managed a team within an organization, or run my own company, it's been unusual to keep the same team together for longer than a year. Team members come and go, driven by the needs of the organization and their own career goals. And every time the members of a team changes, the team needs to regroup and refocus.

Shared Purpose and Direction

On a high-performing team, everyone on the team is committed to the team's purpose. They know exactly what that purpose is because the team leader keeps them focused by constantly communicating that purpose in team meetings and regular updates. The team leader helps each individual team member meet his or new own needs while serving the overall purpose of the team.

The Seven Characteristics of a High-Performing Team

Motivating Goals

The team leader ensures that everyone on the team has clearly defined goals and targets. In some organizations, the strategic goals and departmental objectives are determined by senior management. In that case, the team leader makes sure that these goals are clearly discussed. Team members should understand how their jobs support the achievement of the defined goals, and, if possible, have the opportunity to develop individual goals and action plans that spell out how they will contribute to the success of the organization.

Commitment to Individual and Team Roles

On a Total Team, team members have clearly defined expectations but they also understand how each of their roles is linked to every other role. Team leaders ensure that team members are cross-trained in other responsibilities so that everyone can back each other up when needed. The team leader makes sure that individual job responsibilities are fulfilled, but, at the same time, works to help the individuals develop a common language, processes and approaches that allow them to function as a team.

Multi-Directional Communication

On the best teams, team members solve problems, communicate with each other, and keep the team leader updated on current challenges or emerging issues. On low-performing teams, communication is one-way (from team leader to team members) or two-way (between the team leader and individuals). Skilled leaders focus on developing multi-directional communication, avoiding the trap of communicating with individuals members of the team.

Authority to Decide or Act

No doubt about it, new teams may have to earn this authority by demonstrating that they understand the team's purpose, processes and priorities. However, effective team leaders work toward pushing authority for the team's outcomes to the team members. Team members know how and when to get approval for decisions and, in the best of cases, are charged with making on-the-spot decisions when a customer is facing them. On low-performing teams, team members have to constantly get approval before taking action, significantly reducing their effectiveness and negatively affecting their sense of engagement on the team.

Reliance on Diverse Talents

Savvy team leaders pay attention to helping team members understand their unique strengths, talents, and weaknesses. No individual team member can be good at everything. The best team leaders assist everyone to develop an appreciation for individual style differences, natural gifts, and personal experience. Teams are encouraged to use the language of acceptance and appreciation, rather than criticism and judgment. Team leaders consciously hire team members who bring complementary skill sets, unique experience, and diverse perspectives.

Mutual Support and Trust

The seventh characteristic may be the most important, and frankly, is probably the most elusive. The team leader can't force a team to be supportive and trusting--it's a natural result of shared responsibility, shared success, and mutual respect. The high-performing team achieves mutual support and trust because they have a history of working together to achieve grand dreams and results. They have met challenges, overcome obstacles, backed each other up in good times and bad. The Total Team has earned each other's trust.

Building a high-performing team is not an easy task. However, if you're a team leader that is up to the challenge, then consciously focus on developing these seven characteristics. Bring them to your next team meeting and ask team members to evaluate them. How do you know whether each of these characteristics is present or absent on your team? What is the team willing to do to develop these seven characteristics? Then ask the individuals on your team to commit to 3 - 5 specific actions they will take in the next 60 days. Revisit these commitments regularly and see what develops. I guarantee a rewarding journey to high-performance.

The Seven Characteristics of a High-Performing Team
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Cynthia Clay is the President/CEO of NetSpeed Leadership ( NetSpeed Leadership meets the learning needs of managers, supervisors, and individual contributors in small to mid-sized organizations. Our programs blend interactive instruction techniques with online reinforcement tools to extend learning beyond the classroom. With this holistic approach, our clients quickly launch programs, train participants, reinforce skills, and measure the impact.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

12 Text Flirting Tips For Attracting Women

Wanna know the ONE tool I use all the time to flirt and create sexual tension?

It's the 'text messaging' function on my cell phone.

Now unless you've lived in a cave for the last couple of years, you're probably familiar with text messages. These are the short, "email like" messages you can send to people with your cell phone.

12 Text Flirting Tips For Attracting Women

They're widely used because they're incredibly useful for asking a quick question or sending a brief message.

What's interesting is women LOVE text messaging! If you've ever watched a girl in a social setting, you'll notice how much many text messages she sends. In fact, I think this form of technology is rapidly replacing phone conversations.

So when you text message a girl the RIGHT way, you can quickly build enough attraction that you won't have to do much IN-PERSON game when you see her next.

BUT there's one major problem here...

Most guys complete screw-up what they write on their text messages. They text the way we men typically have conversations. When talking to one another, we like to think logically and make plans. This means their texts are usually straight to the point.

Women on the other hand, view text messaging as a way to get to know one another. They use it to describe their problems and stay in touch with people in their lives.

It's important to remember this rule when texting!

The best way to use text messaging is to build SEXUAL TENSION. Before each text, I think carefully about how this message will advance the flirting and sexual tension I've created with this particular girl.

Whether I'm teasing her, sending "comfort" messages or making plans, my texts are specifically designed to create a STRONG emotion in the girl who receives them!

And from the results I've seen in my dating life, I can honestly say there is a lot benefits you can gain behind sending a well-written text message. With that being said, I'm actually really surprised at the LACK of information about sending text messages to women.

While I KNOW many guys use them, not much has been written on the subject! So for the last 5 months, I've had to create my own system for text messaging.

So let's cover the basics of text messaging. Over the last five months, I've received a number of emails from guys who are interested in improving their "text game". Primarily I get TWO main questions:

1) What's the purpose behind text messaging?
2) Can you give ACTUAL examples of messages you've sent?

With these two questions in mind, I want to dive in and further discuss this topic:

#1- What is the purpose for text messaging?

Bottom line- Text messaging is all about creating and maintaining sexual tension!

When you first get a number, it's easy to have attraction. But this is quickly lost in the time between getting her digits and making that first phone call. With texting, you can bridge the 'time-gap' and keep the attraction alive.

While I recommend that texting should NEVER replace a phone call, sending a few can be an excellent way to get a woman to THINK ABOUT YOU throughout her day.

And when you go to call her, she'll immediately recognize the good feelings and emotions that you've already given her. This makes it easy to get her on the phone and set up a 2nd meeting (ie: First Date)

I personally use my text messages to STAND OUT from the other guys who might be calling this girl.

So I focus on TWO things when I text a girl:

1) Teasing her in a familiar manner to create the sense that I already "know" her
2) Using call back humor to an event/conversation that happened when I met her

Generally I'll start a texting conversation by referencing a specific thing that happened in our first conversation. (This is how to use the call-back humor that I just mentioned)

For instance, a few weeks back I met an attractive girl from Eastern Europe. As soon as she opened her mouth, I realized that she sounded EXACTLY like the guy from the Borat movie.

And once I confirmed that she saw the movie and "got the joke", I teased her mercilessly about sounding like Borat. Naturally the first message started with a reference to Borat.

This leads to the next question that I want to cover (This is where I provide the 12 proven messages that I promised at the start of this article)

#2- Can you give ACTUAL examples of messages you've sent?

As I mentioned before, I typically use 'call-back humor' with my texts. This makes it hard to give "cookie-cutter" examples. However, there are times when I didn't get an opportunity to use call-back humor.

So even if I really didn't get a chance to know a girl better, I'll still use a few messages that have gotten great results in the past.

Anyway, here are 12 messages I've personally used:

==> After meeting a girl- (Use 2-3 hours after the first meeting to establish initial contact)

1) "I know you're thinking about me. So I thought I would say hi!"

2) "My ears are tingling...stop talking about me!"

3) "Wow...that's weird. I think I just saw your twin. Are you stalking me?"

==> Lifestyle updates- (Use to keep contact ever other day & demonstrate that you're a fun/interesting person )

4) " cat just did the craziest thing..."

5) "I just saw an army of Oompa Loompas. I think short people are breeding too fast

6) "85 degrees out. Time to grab a towel and head to the beach. Too bad you have to work!!!"

==> Building Sexual Tension- (Use after you've spoken on the phone and set up a 2nd meeting)

7) "Miss me yet?"

8) "Tomorrow should be awesome. Just try not to embarrass me in front of my friends"

9) "Looking forward to seeing you. You're like the bratty little sister I've always wanted.

==> After the 2nd meeting- (Use to reinforce the good time she had)

10) "Had an AWESOME time. Hugs and kisses!"

11) "Fun times! I guess it's safe to introduce you to
my friends!"

12) "Had a great time! Even if you're a little dorky..."

Sexual tension can be quickly gained and quickly LOST.

That's why it's important to keep up the attraction at ALL points in the relationships you have with women. In other words, NEVER allow the lines of communication to go slack.

That's why I personally recommend that you use the text tips that I provided in this article and stay in contact with ALL the women you're dating (or hope to date).

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Want to learn a PROVEN WAY for flirting with women and creating sexual attraction? If so, take a look at Steve Scott's Flirt Book which provides a step-by-step blueprint on how to flirt with women!

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Tips Solving Clone R4 SDHC Stuck on the "Loading" Screen Problem

Hi, dear friends! If your R4DS supports SDHC, you must have a counterfeit, or cloned R4i SDHC. Keep calm, it's still possible for you to get it going. The problem is that the original R4DS used an encrypted firmware which the clone ones can not read.

The first thing you need to do is to check the your R4's box. Clone R4 makers always like to list their own particular websites on the box. You will download your firmware from these sites. If your card doesn't come with a box, you can check which kind the R4 you have is. The clone makers use many different names to call their particular clone r4 cards, such as R4DS SDHC, R4-III, R4 Deluxe, R4 Advance, etc.

These companies, or some of their sellers and users would like you to believe that they are official R4 Team, they aren't indeed. Every one uses a hacked firmware for a particular card. Using a firmware from one clone r4 sdhc on another usually results in a "This card is fake" message!So, you should make sure you're using the correct one. If not, you will have more problems again.

Tips Solving Clone R4 SDHC Stuck on the "Loading" Screen Problem

There is only one suggestion I can make is to use YSMenu. YSMenu doesn't care whether you've got a real or a cloned R4DS and also offers much better compatibility and cheat support then either the official R4DS firmware or any of it's clones.

It's easy to use YSMenu setup utility written by talented Maikel Steneker. What's more, YSMenu will make the unsure users life much easier. Many people complain that YSMenu looks "boring" in comparison to the R4DS firmware . Well, this might be true. But YSMenu offers a lot more than the official or cloned firmwares. It boils down to your own particular preference, and you would rather have better game and cheat compatibility (and more) or a pretty menu.

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