Wednesday, December 26, 2012

IP Address - 192-168-0-1

IP stands for Internet Protocol and an IP address is a numeric identification for network adapter which exclusively identifies computers on a TCP or IP network. It can be a private address for local area network (LAN) usage, publicly used for the internet or even used for the wide area network (WAN).

Many are aware that is a default and universal IP address used worldwide. There are numerous addresses and this is one located in between and It is an essential matter to be familiar with this address if you're setting up a local area network or using a router. Hence fundamental knowledge about its properties could be very helpful.

A broadband router is an important component of the home network. If you're currently using a broadband connection, you will have a broadband router and will automatically access to this address. This router is mainly used to aid initiation of online connections, games, and cable or DSL connections. A router which uses this address will function effectively as they combine various elements together.

IP Address - 192-168-0-1

Installing a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and several switches are unnecessary as the present a router is sufficiently capable to process all the data in a lone unit. Although this address is said to be default, the user can be modified by entering it in the web browser and reconfiguring the settings. This is normally performed by administrators to mend connection problems.

It is the nature of the address to be connected only to one device. Using it for another device could cause malfunctioning of the network. Thus it is recommended to restrict connections from other users by setting up a password and establishing necessary reconfigurations.

Similar to other address, can be accessed repeatedly. Although it has limited access to only one device, it can be assigned to multiple networks. This attribute makes it perfect for the usage of linked computers on different networks. Besides being used in broadband routers, it is a default gateway in many computer systems. That is, it is the pathway which allows subnets to relay information to other subnets. It resembles the platform where data is processed and sent to several destinations. The address is usually found in the local area networks, although it can also be used as an internal address.

Like any other addresses, there is possibility that this IP address would encounter problems. Should any elements exist to be malfunctioning; it can be resolved by going directly to the address to detect the problems. Access to homepage would allow the implementations of few things. Here, you can modify the username or password or if a security breach is suspected, you can look into the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) or DHCP settings. You are also to perform modem reconfiguration or alter the setup of the local area network.

This information is easily accessible by all users of the network. You would be able to view it at the main page if you are using a device linked to the wireless modem. The is a significant constituent of the network and other connections. Therefore it is not a waste of time to learn about the configurations and how the address works.

IP Address - 192-168-0-1
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Make Rap Songs Online

Make Your Own Rap Online

If you want to learn how to make your own rap online well then you should look to a cheap and easy way to start first! You can make your own rap songs online real easy, if you have software on your computer that contains over 100,000 beats all at your finger tips. There is lots of software out there that allows you to download these beats and tools you will need in your rap making journey.

How do you think you would do over the coarse of a year? If you are serious about making your own rap songs, then software like this is just what you need to stay on top of your beat making game in your attempt to make rap songs, and that`s exactly what this type of software will do. You will have all the beats in the latest songs out now, and future updates to all the newest beats as there made. If you stick with this online, you will be producing great rap songs with the rap beat maker tools you get.

Make Rap Songs Online

To Make Your Own Rap Online Start With The Mixing

To make your own rap songs online the first thing you need to do is learn the mixing, and when your only learning, the easiest way to get really great at the mixing, there is no better place to start than online. Making music online is getting very popular. Mixing is one of the most important skills you need to learn, if your going to make any kind of great rap songs. If you want to become great over time at making your own rap songs this is were you start. When you have all these beats in one place it would not be hard for you to come up with some great ideas.

To Make Your Own Rap Online Its Not That Difficult

You are probably thinking to yourself, how difficult is it really to make your own rap songs online. You can search online for free software that will not do you that much good because you will not get all the latest beats. You will get beats that are 'gone out with the indian's'. You see if you do not have the software to make beats, then you can't do it full stop. For you to mix different sounds and then put these beats into your own songs, it does not take a lot of skill but it does take a bit of your time up. If you listen to rap all the time, you should already have a good idea of rap music, which will be a bonus to you, because then you will know what type of beats you want in your song, with this software you do not need to worry about anything it will all come together nicely for you. Just like it did for me.

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Find out how you can make your own rap songs with all the latest beats right at your finger tips, also you can read much more about how you can learn this really easy with your very own hip hop beat mixer here, you can check it out http://MAKEYOUROWNRAPSONGSONLINE.INFO

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tips For Maintaining Your Privacy Online

Concerned about your online privacy? Here are some tips for protecting your privacy online:

Use Browser Settings

In Internet Explorer, it is very easy to increase or decrease your privacy settings. Click on TOOLS, then INTERNET OPTIONS. Click on the PRIVACY tab. Under this tab, you'll find a little tab that you can move up and down from ACCEPT ALL COOKIES to REJECT ALL COOKIES with several options in between. It is recommended to use the Medium-High setting. This allows you a robust browsing experience, while maintaining a very high amount of privacy.

Tips For Maintaining Your Privacy Online

In addition, still in the INTERNET OPTIONS window, click on the GENERAL tab and you'll see a button under BROWSING HISTORY that will delete all your cookies, history, temporary internet files, saved passwords and auto complete information from your computer. Use this button often, especially if you are using a computer in a public place such as an Internet cafe, library or someone else's house.

Email Tips

Try to use several email addresses for different correspondence. For example, create a separate email address for family and friends, another for business contacts and another for registering for websites, social networks and forums.

Another handy email tip is to use a disposable email address when you sign up for different websites, shopping and forums. A disposable email address works by creating a different identity/email address for each situation. Then when you start to receive unwanted email to a particular address, you can easily shut off or cancel that email address.

Use Anti-Virus and Spyware Programs Regularly

A crucial tip for anyone using the Internet and especially for anyone concerned about privacy is to use anti-virus and spyware programs daily. These programs will protect you from viruses that will affect your computer performance but also protect you from malicious code that may be sending your private information across the web to a hacker. Do yourself a favor and download AVG Anti-Virus, Ad-Aware SE and Spyware Blaster, all available from Each is completely free as well. Download these programs, install them and make sure they are scheduled to update and run daily. You can even have then run when you are away from your computer in the middle of the night or early in the morning. These programs, used on a regular basis and kept updated, will protect your computer from many possible privacy and security problems.

Review Privacy Policies

Most websites have a privacy policy link at the bottom of their homepage. Do yourself a favor and click this link and read up on what your favorite website plans to do with your personal information. If a website says that they sell, share or give your information to third parties for marketing purposes, then you've just signed up for more junk mail. Re-consider use of websites that either don't have a privacy policy or that don't promise not to share your personal information.

Browse Anonymously

Use proxy servers to surf the web. A proxy server will all you to surf the web anonymously. A proxy server works by sending your request through another server and then sending the web page back to you. Using a proxy is one of the few ways to surf anonymously on the web.

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Lydia Quinn writes for Productivus Directory, a free online directory to help make your more productive with your online time. Visit us at:

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Friday, November 30, 2012

The Seven Characteristics of a High-Performing Team

If you lead a team, you know that the journey to high-performance is ongoing. It's the rare team that achieves high-performance and just stays there. In my business life, whether I've managed a team within an organization, or run my own company, it's been unusual to keep the same team together for longer than a year. Team members come and go, driven by the needs of the organization and their own career goals. And every time the members of a team changes, the team needs to regroup and refocus.

Shared Purpose and Direction

On a high-performing team, everyone on the team is committed to the team's purpose. They know exactly what that purpose is because the team leader keeps them focused by constantly communicating that purpose in team meetings and regular updates. The team leader helps each individual team member meet his or new own needs while serving the overall purpose of the team.

The Seven Characteristics of a High-Performing Team

Motivating Goals

The team leader ensures that everyone on the team has clearly defined goals and targets. In some organizations, the strategic goals and departmental objectives are determined by senior management. In that case, the team leader makes sure that these goals are clearly discussed. Team members should understand how their jobs support the achievement of the defined goals, and, if possible, have the opportunity to develop individual goals and action plans that spell out how they will contribute to the success of the organization.

Commitment to Individual and Team Roles

On a Total Team, team members have clearly defined expectations but they also understand how each of their roles is linked to every other role. Team leaders ensure that team members are cross-trained in other responsibilities so that everyone can back each other up when needed. The team leader makes sure that individual job responsibilities are fulfilled, but, at the same time, works to help the individuals develop a common language, processes and approaches that allow them to function as a team.

Multi-Directional Communication

On the best teams, team members solve problems, communicate with each other, and keep the team leader updated on current challenges or emerging issues. On low-performing teams, communication is one-way (from team leader to team members) or two-way (between the team leader and individuals). Skilled leaders focus on developing multi-directional communication, avoiding the trap of communicating with individuals members of the team.

Authority to Decide or Act

No doubt about it, new teams may have to earn this authority by demonstrating that they understand the team's purpose, processes and priorities. However, effective team leaders work toward pushing authority for the team's outcomes to the team members. Team members know how and when to get approval for decisions and, in the best of cases, are charged with making on-the-spot decisions when a customer is facing them. On low-performing teams, team members have to constantly get approval before taking action, significantly reducing their effectiveness and negatively affecting their sense of engagement on the team.

Reliance on Diverse Talents

Savvy team leaders pay attention to helping team members understand their unique strengths, talents, and weaknesses. No individual team member can be good at everything. The best team leaders assist everyone to develop an appreciation for individual style differences, natural gifts, and personal experience. Teams are encouraged to use the language of acceptance and appreciation, rather than criticism and judgment. Team leaders consciously hire team members who bring complementary skill sets, unique experience, and diverse perspectives.

Mutual Support and Trust

The seventh characteristic may be the most important, and frankly, is probably the most elusive. The team leader can't force a team to be supportive and trusting--it's a natural result of shared responsibility, shared success, and mutual respect. The high-performing team achieves mutual support and trust because they have a history of working together to achieve grand dreams and results. They have met challenges, overcome obstacles, backed each other up in good times and bad. The Total Team has earned each other's trust.

Building a high-performing team is not an easy task. However, if you're a team leader that is up to the challenge, then consciously focus on developing these seven characteristics. Bring them to your next team meeting and ask team members to evaluate them. How do you know whether each of these characteristics is present or absent on your team? What is the team willing to do to develop these seven characteristics? Then ask the individuals on your team to commit to 3 - 5 specific actions they will take in the next 60 days. Revisit these commitments regularly and see what develops. I guarantee a rewarding journey to high-performance.

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Cynthia Clay is the President/CEO of NetSpeed Leadership ( NetSpeed Leadership meets the learning needs of managers, supervisors, and individual contributors in small to mid-sized organizations. Our programs blend interactive instruction techniques with online reinforcement tools to extend learning beyond the classroom. With this holistic approach, our clients quickly launch programs, train participants, reinforce skills, and measure the impact.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

12 Text Flirting Tips For Attracting Women

Wanna know the ONE tool I use all the time to flirt and create sexual tension?

It's the 'text messaging' function on my cell phone.

Now unless you've lived in a cave for the last couple of years, you're probably familiar with text messages. These are the short, "email like" messages you can send to people with your cell phone.

12 Text Flirting Tips For Attracting Women

They're widely used because they're incredibly useful for asking a quick question or sending a brief message.

What's interesting is women LOVE text messaging! If you've ever watched a girl in a social setting, you'll notice how much many text messages she sends. In fact, I think this form of technology is rapidly replacing phone conversations.

So when you text message a girl the RIGHT way, you can quickly build enough attraction that you won't have to do much IN-PERSON game when you see her next.

BUT there's one major problem here...

Most guys complete screw-up what they write on their text messages. They text the way we men typically have conversations. When talking to one another, we like to think logically and make plans. This means their texts are usually straight to the point.

Women on the other hand, view text messaging as a way to get to know one another. They use it to describe their problems and stay in touch with people in their lives.

It's important to remember this rule when texting!

The best way to use text messaging is to build SEXUAL TENSION. Before each text, I think carefully about how this message will advance the flirting and sexual tension I've created with this particular girl.

Whether I'm teasing her, sending "comfort" messages or making plans, my texts are specifically designed to create a STRONG emotion in the girl who receives them!

And from the results I've seen in my dating life, I can honestly say there is a lot benefits you can gain behind sending a well-written text message. With that being said, I'm actually really surprised at the LACK of information about sending text messages to women.

While I KNOW many guys use them, not much has been written on the subject! So for the last 5 months, I've had to create my own system for text messaging.

So let's cover the basics of text messaging. Over the last five months, I've received a number of emails from guys who are interested in improving their "text game". Primarily I get TWO main questions:

1) What's the purpose behind text messaging?
2) Can you give ACTUAL examples of messages you've sent?

With these two questions in mind, I want to dive in and further discuss this topic:

#1- What is the purpose for text messaging?

Bottom line- Text messaging is all about creating and maintaining sexual tension!

When you first get a number, it's easy to have attraction. But this is quickly lost in the time between getting her digits and making that first phone call. With texting, you can bridge the 'time-gap' and keep the attraction alive.

While I recommend that texting should NEVER replace a phone call, sending a few can be an excellent way to get a woman to THINK ABOUT YOU throughout her day.

And when you go to call her, she'll immediately recognize the good feelings and emotions that you've already given her. This makes it easy to get her on the phone and set up a 2nd meeting (ie: First Date)

I personally use my text messages to STAND OUT from the other guys who might be calling this girl.

So I focus on TWO things when I text a girl:

1) Teasing her in a familiar manner to create the sense that I already "know" her
2) Using call back humor to an event/conversation that happened when I met her

Generally I'll start a texting conversation by referencing a specific thing that happened in our first conversation. (This is how to use the call-back humor that I just mentioned)

For instance, a few weeks back I met an attractive girl from Eastern Europe. As soon as she opened her mouth, I realized that she sounded EXACTLY like the guy from the Borat movie.

And once I confirmed that she saw the movie and "got the joke", I teased her mercilessly about sounding like Borat. Naturally the first message started with a reference to Borat.

This leads to the next question that I want to cover (This is where I provide the 12 proven messages that I promised at the start of this article)

#2- Can you give ACTUAL examples of messages you've sent?

As I mentioned before, I typically use 'call-back humor' with my texts. This makes it hard to give "cookie-cutter" examples. However, there are times when I didn't get an opportunity to use call-back humor.

So even if I really didn't get a chance to know a girl better, I'll still use a few messages that have gotten great results in the past.

Anyway, here are 12 messages I've personally used:

==> After meeting a girl- (Use 2-3 hours after the first meeting to establish initial contact)

1) "I know you're thinking about me. So I thought I would say hi!"

2) "My ears are tingling...stop talking about me!"

3) "Wow...that's weird. I think I just saw your twin. Are you stalking me?"

==> Lifestyle updates- (Use to keep contact ever other day & demonstrate that you're a fun/interesting person )

4) " cat just did the craziest thing..."

5) "I just saw an army of Oompa Loompas. I think short people are breeding too fast

6) "85 degrees out. Time to grab a towel and head to the beach. Too bad you have to work!!!"

==> Building Sexual Tension- (Use after you've spoken on the phone and set up a 2nd meeting)

7) "Miss me yet?"

8) "Tomorrow should be awesome. Just try not to embarrass me in front of my friends"

9) "Looking forward to seeing you. You're like the bratty little sister I've always wanted.

==> After the 2nd meeting- (Use to reinforce the good time she had)

10) "Had an AWESOME time. Hugs and kisses!"

11) "Fun times! I guess it's safe to introduce you to
my friends!"

12) "Had a great time! Even if you're a little dorky..."

Sexual tension can be quickly gained and quickly LOST.

That's why it's important to keep up the attraction at ALL points in the relationships you have with women. In other words, NEVER allow the lines of communication to go slack.

That's why I personally recommend that you use the text tips that I provided in this article and stay in contact with ALL the women you're dating (or hope to date).

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Want to learn a PROVEN WAY for flirting with women and creating sexual attraction? If so, take a look at Steve Scott's Flirt Book which provides a step-by-step blueprint on how to flirt with women!

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Tips Solving Clone R4 SDHC Stuck on the "Loading" Screen Problem

Hi, dear friends! If your R4DS supports SDHC, you must have a counterfeit, or cloned R4i SDHC. Keep calm, it's still possible for you to get it going. The problem is that the original R4DS used an encrypted firmware which the clone ones can not read.

The first thing you need to do is to check the your R4's box. Clone R4 makers always like to list their own particular websites on the box. You will download your firmware from these sites. If your card doesn't come with a box, you can check which kind the R4 you have is. The clone makers use many different names to call their particular clone r4 cards, such as R4DS SDHC, R4-III, R4 Deluxe, R4 Advance, etc.

These companies, or some of their sellers and users would like you to believe that they are official R4 Team, they aren't indeed. Every one uses a hacked firmware for a particular card. Using a firmware from one clone r4 sdhc on another usually results in a "This card is fake" message!So, you should make sure you're using the correct one. If not, you will have more problems again.

Tips Solving Clone R4 SDHC Stuck on the "Loading" Screen Problem

There is only one suggestion I can make is to use YSMenu. YSMenu doesn't care whether you've got a real or a cloned R4DS and also offers much better compatibility and cheat support then either the official R4DS firmware or any of it's clones.

It's easy to use YSMenu setup utility written by talented Maikel Steneker. What's more, YSMenu will make the unsure users life much easier. Many people complain that YSMenu looks "boring" in comparison to the R4DS firmware . Well, this might be true. But YSMenu offers a lot more than the official or cloned firmwares. It boils down to your own particular preference, and you would rather have better game and cheat compatibility (and more) or a pretty menu.

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Unlocking Book Marketing For Self Publishers and New Writers

First and foremost, you must get your marketing plan put into action as soon as possible.

There are a lot of decisions to make, and often the biggest mistake made when self publishing is to put off considering a marketing plan until AFTER publishing. Writers want their book to be the best in its genre - but to stand out from the crowd, you must market your book very carefully and start early. There's a reason "Product Launch Formulas" are so popular in the Internet Marketing world - you have to get your customer's attention if you're going to get people to purchase.

Your target demographic is the most critical aspect of your game plan.

Unlocking Book Marketing For Self Publishers and New Writers

Before promoting your book you should be aware of your target audience. Who do you want to buy your book? The correct answer to this question is not "Everyone, Everywhere!"

Look at Robert B. Parker's "Spenser" series - you may remember the ABC TV show starring Robert Urich as Spenser and Avery Brooks as Hawk. Parker wrote something like 50+ novels centering on his soft-hearted, gun-toting private eye, and every one was a bestseller... but shortly before Parker's death, he released a Spenser novel that was pretty roundly panned by both critics and readers. Why was this one book, from a writer who seemed all but guaranteed a success, far less popular than usual?

Because Parker failed to appease his existing audience - adults, usually (but not limited to) women over 35 - and on top of that, he failed to grab the interest of the NEW audience he was trying to court - the "young adult" market. This particular novel focused on the never before revealed childhood of the protagonist. The readers considered "young adults" could care less about the character's origins, and the existing market found the story too juvenile.

To reach your target audience, you must be focused on them.

Identify your target audience and gather as much data on them as you can. Outline your goals and objectives (what you hope to achieve) and determine your budget and implement your strategies (how you plan to reach your goals).

Then, determine what form your book should take. For example, the dimensions and typography, number of pages, type of paper, etc. If you're going the e-book route, consider very carefully how you want your book formatted, protected, and in what type of file format you want to publish (Kindle, iPhone/iPad, simple PDF, LIT file, etc).

Bestsellers are NOT always the best written books!

Marketing and promotion can make a huge difference. Common wisdom used to be that the only way to become a best-selling author was to go through a major publishing house. However, many bestsellers have actually been self published and even self promoted - Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle was first published by his parents, and Cassandra Claire and Jim Bernheimer have both gained fame by writing free stories online and have successfully crossed over to become published writers. The online blog Julie/Julia was picked up by a major publishing house (and then turned into a Hollywood motion picture!). Has something similar to your book already been published? Make sure to do some initial research before putting all your effort into selling something that's been done before. Capturing your target demographic is critical, so choose a title carefully.

Believe me, a cover IS worth a thousand words.

Your cover should be very directly targeted to catch your audience's eye. What appeals to the reader for whom you are writing? Jim Baen (the founder of Baen Books) was well-known for choosing book covers that attracted an audience, rather than necessarily reflecting the content of the book.

The cover of John Ringo's There Will Be Dragons is a perfect example. On the cover there is a woman scantily clad in chain mail with a bow and arrow in her grip, next to her is a dragon with spread wings, and above everything is a rocket ship speeding through the sky. The dragon is a metaphor for voluntary genetic modifications, and there are no scantily clad women in the book or rocket ships. However, what better way to catch the eye of browsing shoppers, and still manage to explain to the reader that this is a fantasy novel with a lot of science fiction elements?

Writers are sensitive creatures!

The first thing you need to learn is that if you plan to handle the marketing and publicity of your book on your own, you need to get serious, quick. Marketing requires a thick skin and a strong backbone. Sensitivity may be great while writing your book but you must be practical when it comes to marketing. Don't take anything personal, especially reviews! Bad publicity is still good publicity - just ask all the female pop singers who seem to go crazy... and then become even more popular. Or ask the creator of the Buffy TV series - his show Firefly got cancelled by the network, only to be picked up as a Universal movie!

Promote Online

Books promoted online have several advantages over those that are not. Marketing can be cheaper, managing and TRACKING your campaigns can be far easier and more accurate, your startup costs are lower, and there's a greater opportunity for interacting with your audience. Most importantly, your book should have its own special website (if you have multiple books, each one should have a site and you should have a separate author site). Show off your book's cover, offer exclusive excerpts, display reviews and testimonials on the home page and provide links to stores and distributors. If your online publisher has an affiliate program, be sure to use that system (every penny you earn is well-deserved, right?).

Submit your book to books in print databases

Many online and brick and mortar bookstores use these databases and that means more potential sales for you. Use an email promotion campaign to promoting your book, and consider online advertising (Google AdWords) or affiliate systems like ClickBank. Write a sales letter that you can distribute online or mail to bookstores (go to the Baen CD archive and look at the CD listings starting with "P" for examples).

Having a blog has now become one of the most profitable ways to promote online. Using popular blog software like WordPress is an easy way to manage your entire website and market your book - it's search engine friendly, it's easy to update, and it's easy to customize with options that let your readers promote for you. A small, custom designed WordPress site will not cost you a lot to have professionally done, and will reap many benefits.

Marketing your book is an ongoing process and will require constant re-evaluation. Always be aware of what works for other authors and incorporate ideas when they make sense for you.

After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

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Joe is the Lead Designer and front-line customer support tech for Surfacing, a web hosting biz established in 1997. Joe's dozen-plus years of experience has led him to focus on e-commerce and geo-targeted SEO/marketing for smallbiz - mom&pop shops, entrepreneurs and writers.

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

LinkedIn Hits a Home Run With Great New Features in 2011

2011 was quite a year for LinkedIn. In March, they surpassed 100 million members and are now growing at a rate of one million users each and every week. In May, they were the first social media site to go public, starting off at /share and going as high as 2 before settling in around . As of this writing, shares are trading in the 70's. Congrats to Reid Hoffman, Jeff Weiner, and the rest of the LinkedIn team for one whale of a year.

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You may be saying, Big deal. Good for them, but what does that have to do with me? I am just one of 135+ million members. Well, it is a big deal because both of these bits of information should keep them in the game longer and allow them to continue to grow and improve the platform. The longevity of LinkedIn is critical to all of us who are investing our time and effort and growing our networks on the site.

With those thoughts in mind, I decided I would be like the thousands of experts in the world who put together a year-end "best of" list for their area of expertise. Not only am I going to share the best new LinkedIn features of 2011, but in typical Wayne fashion I will also give you my thoughts on how you can best use them to grow your business along.

LinkedIn Hits a Home Run With Great New Features in 2011

So, ladies and gentlemen (drum roll, please), here are the\ best new features released by LinkedIn for 2011.

Company Status Updates

This feature is just one of many great enhancements to the functionality of the company page (previously called the company profile). If you haven't begun formulating a strategy for using this feature, you are missing the boat - what could be a really big boat.

It is similar to the individual Status Updates, which I consider to be the number one way to stay in front of your connections with great information. However, instead of communicating with your connections, the company Status Update enables companies to communicate with followers.

Strategy Tip:

Add a company page, decide who is going to be your voice for your company Status Updates, encourage followers, and share your best stuff with those followers. If you don't think people who follow you for the sake of listening to your knowledge and expertise will ultimately consider you and your company in their buying decision as well as recommend you to their friends, you just don't get how business in the new online world works. They do and they will.


This feature is a major enhancement to what used to be called Classmates, and it is very popular because people enjoy doing business with and want to help people who attended the same school they attended.

With the Alumni feature, you can now more easily search by all schools you have attended and years attended. However, searching is not limited to the years you attended the school. You can discover where alumni work, what they do, where they live, and other miscellaneous profile information.

Strategy Tip:

List all schools you have attended on your profile, including high school and any industry specialty schools, access the Alumni feature, and then get out your old college sweatshirt and hat and start networking.


This feature was added to make it easier to find individuals who have specific skills. LinkedIn added a Skills page to the overall site and now allows you to add a Skills section to your profile, where you can list up to 50 specific skills you possess.

I haven't found the Skills page itself to be particularly helpful as of yet. However, including Skills in your profile will help you in the LinkedIn search rankings for the keywords you include and will highlight those skills on your profile. Both of these are great reasons to do this.

Strategy Tip:

Add the Skills section to your profile, and include words that describe the skills you have amassed over the years as well as the words that are most critical to you on a going-forward basis. These words are not just the general functions you do, like finance, but specific details, such as budgeting, cash flow analysis, tax preparation, or even specific software you know how to use. Keep in mind you are trying to come up with the words someone will use when searching the LinkedIn database to find a person just like you.

In addition, check out the Skills section on LinkedIn and do a couple skills searches to see if you can gather any information that might lead you to other skills you may want to consider including.

Additional Student Profile Sections

LinkedIn really came through for those of you younger people who were screaming for a way to differentiate yourselves when you are just getting out of college. In the past you may have thought the standard profile sections seemed perfect for your parents but not for you.

You can now add the following optional sections to your profile: Projects, Honors & Awards, Organizations, Test Scores, and Courses. These sections make it much easier to differentiate yourself from your competition by telling your unique story.

Strategy Tip:

Add all the special sections to your profile that you think will help break you apart from the rest of the pack. Include not only the facts of the situation, but add an interesting personal story or specific example that ties into the entry and demonstrates strong job-related skills if possible.

For example, if your Courses section includes a study abroad experience, share a story about the leadership role you took on the trip and how you succeeded in your role. This will help the reader understand what special skills you will bring to the workplace.

Volunteer Experience & Causes

In addition to our business story, most of us want to share with the world what matters most to us on a personal level. This new LinkedIn section not only helps you tell your story, but it helps your favorite organizations gain additional exposure.

In addition to listing the general causes you support (financial literacy, education, etc.), you can include a detailed explanation of each organization's mission and your personal involvement with them. Thanks, LinkedIn, for helping us help others.

Strategy Tip:

Significant volunteer efforts show the reader of your profile that you care about things outside of business and you work hard even when you are not at your workplace. Most people value these personal traits, and sharing this information in your profile may set you apart from your competitors and result in increased business and referrals.

Before meeting with someone for the first time, check out this section of their profile. It may give you some good conversation starters to get the meeting rolling. If a businessperson has taken the time to include this information, they are probably dying to have you inquire about the organization and their involvement. This is a home run.

When doing my research for this article, I learned the next two features were actually announced in late 2010. However, I am including them in this list because they are extremely powerful, and I would not want you to miss them.

Company Products & Services

Who wants to have a free online display of your products and services, accessible by millions of people, with real people (including photos of their smiling faces) recommending your stuff, video supporting the details, sharing capabilities, multiple variations of the landing page based on your audience's profile, a full set of website analytics, and a link right to the place where they can buy your stuff?

Did I mention this is all free?

Well, welcome to the new and improved world of the LinkedIn company pages, including a Products & Services tab. This section is still in its infancy and we are all learning as we go here, but don't let that stop you from getting started. What are you waiting for?

Strategy Tip:

Add a company page, add some products and services, get recommendations, and learn like the rest of us. Oh, yeah, and don't forget to encourage followers. After all, they have given you permission to share with them. Gaining followers on LinkedIn is now a very important strategy for your company. Get busy, and start encouraging people to follow your company.


When the clickable word "Share" popped up all over the LinkedIn website late last year, I and many others didn't really realize we were just handed a very efficient way to "share" our expertise even when we didn't start the conversation or write the content.

Many of us are working hard to establish ourselves as thought leaders in our industry and with the customers we serve. This has gotten so much easier with all these online tools available to us. Even the smallest businesses can join the game.

Simply put, the Share function on LinkedIn allows you to share content, discussions, products and services (and who knows what else will be added in the future) with all the constituencies that matter to you. This includes not only your first-level LinkedIn connections but your Twitter followers, any of your LinkedIn groups, and even people who are not on LinkedIn.

Strategy Tip:

Get used to this. Sharing is here to stay, and functions like this on LinkedIn and other social media sites are the way our audiences (who have given us permission to do this) will look forward to hearing from us. That is not to say it will replace traditional advertising, but who knows.

So, what is the tip? See what others are reading, looking at, referring to, and talking about. If it applies to some of your audience, get sharing. They will appreciate your doing so.

Also, if you and your company have developed, written or published any great information, be sure to post that in your individual and/or company updates. You just don't know how many of your connections and followers will then share it with their network, and on and on it goes. This is how you spell viral, isn't it?

LinkedIn Hits a Home Run With Great New Features in 2011

Wayne Breitbarth was once a skeptic and now is an outspoken proponent of LinkedIn, "LinkedIn Guru" Wayne Breitbarth is passionate about helping business professionals--from entry level to CEO--learn how to combine their previous experience and relationships with this innovative tool in order to more successfully brand and market themselves and their businesses.

Wayne's diverse professional background uniquely positions him to assist not only individuals but corporate entities as well. With thirty years' experience in the areas of operations, finance, management, consulting, and business ownership, he is able to "put it all together" for his corporate and individual clients.

In addition to his consulting work, Wayne is a dynamic speaker. His practical yet entertaining presentations have inspired audiences both locally, at many of Milwaukee's most prominent companies and organizations, and nationally, at conventions, industry association events, and corporate training sessions.

You can download a free chapter from his book "The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success" Kick-start your Business, Brand and Job Search" along with other free LinkedIn resources and weekly tips at:

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

SPAM - History and Prevalence

The term Spam is thought to be derived from a Monte Python skit. But the fact that Spam makes up over 80 percent of emails sent isn't that funny!

A Monte Python sketch performed in 1970 references the British rationing during World War II. SPAM was one of the only meat products that was readily available and not being rationed. Python's sketch is set in a café and every item on the menu contains Spam lunch meat. A song repeating the word SPAM is being sung and is drowning out the waiter who is dictating the SPAM filled menu in detail.

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An instance of unsolicited commercial email was originally noted in 1978. Although it seems that the idea was born years earlier when an unsolicited electronic messaging using the media occurred by telegram in 1864! In the 1980's the term Spam started to be used to describe annoying users of early chat rooms who would repeatedly type the word Spam in an abusive manner to drive others out of the room. Especially others from rival groups surrounding said topic. They would also flood the screen with quotes from the Monte Python sketch in the same manner. Soon rather than being called flooding or trashing it became common place to refer to these methods as spamming. Later it evolved to mean excessive multiple posting of the same message. In the 1990's we began to see the excessive amount of "get rich quick" schemes being advertised in this manner. Commercial spamming began in 1994 courtesy of two lawyers advertising their immigration law services. Shortly there after the focus of spamming and anti spam efforts moved to email and that is where the focus of this phenomenon remains today.

SPAM - History and Prevalence

Most of us receive some type of Spam everyday. Spam is incredibly easy and inexpensive to create and can be very profitable. There are a number of companies set up to send "bulk e-mail". They are able to send billions of messages a day. In the US there have been a number of lawsuits concerning Spam and laws created trying to reduce the production. Therefore, it is becoming more prevalent that these companies operate out of foreign countries. They have also changed their soliciting methods to read "spam-free" which refers to a person who has chosen to "opt-in" by clicking a box near the end of some enrollment form thereby agreeing to have updates or newsletters sent. Sometimes this box is pre checked and you must unclick in order to "opt-out". These names are then sold to the bulk e-mailing companies.

Spam filtering software is the best technology available at the present time to reduce Spam. Spam filtering is included in most versions of anti virus software []. It is pretty simple for spammers to sidestep these filters simply by misspelling keywords. Also, these filters often block e-mail that you do want to receive because of key words being misinterpreted. SPAM hits other venues besides email such as instant messaging, chat rooms, newsgroups, forums, mobile phones, online games, search engines, and blogs. For the time being it looks like the only way to avoid a majority of Spam is to avoid traditional email all together. Requiring a person to fill out a form that is in turn sent to the recipient successfully blocks spammers. This is currently how many business and organizations including the White House are handling their e-mail.

The term Spam is thought to be derived from a Monte Python skit but is not received by many as being humorous. Spamming is a phenomenon that has been beneficial for some and a nuisance to the masses who make up the recipients of the billions of messages sent per day.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sports Fans Gear Up With Inclusive Packages

Premium sports packages are a must for sports fans. Whether your weakness is college basketball, pro football, ice hockey, or racecars, inclusive packages are available to satellite TV users, allowing subscribers to basically move the neighborhood sports bar TV into their own home, with access to all kinds of non-locally televised games, events, pre-game specials, and extra special features.

NFL addicts surely know about the NFL Sunday Ticket, which broadcasts all NFL games and pre-game shows that fall outside of standard cable networks (a la the Yankees' YES network) - that comes out to about 14 games each Sunday, a perfect plan for the ultimate pro football fan. NFL Sunday Ticket SuperFan is an additional service available to current NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers, and allows viewers the opportunity to tune into a certain number of NFL games in high definition. Also included in the package are the Red Zone channel, which highlights crucial game moments, skipping around from game to game as teams move into touchdown position, and the Game Mix, a channel that allows viewers to watch eight games simultaneously on a divided screen. Short Cuts, an excellent option for fans who are short on time, selects game highlights from every game and condenses them into one thirty-minute block of broadcasting. SuperFan also includes a feature allowing subscribers to stream games in real time on their computers - even traveling can't keep the biggest fans from missing their favorite teams.

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Diehard Boston Red Sox fans living in Chicago, pining away for their beloved team, will be pleased to know about the MLB Extra Innings package, which airs 80 non-local pro baseball games each week, with up to 40 broadcast in crystal-clear HD. The Game Mix feature is also available with Extra Innings so fans can keep an eye on the competition while staying faithful to their home team. Also included is the Strike Zone Channel, a highlights channel that updates subscribers on the best in the league, three days each week.

Sports Fans Gear Up With Inclusive Packages

Ice hockey your thing? NHL fans ought to tune into Center Ice, where they can catch 40 hockey games - 12 in high definition - weekly, including Stanley Cup playoff games. Also included are standard NHL game coverage, highlights, news, and special programs, 24 hours a day. Even French-language coverage from Canadian face-offs is offered. A must for displaced NHL fans that need more than just game highlights from their favorite teams, however many states away.

As for hoops fans, the NBA League Pass airs 40 games (some in HD) a week, alongside regular NBA satellite TV coverage of highlights and both team and player stats. Business travelers and vacationers ought to know that subscription includes access to NBA League Pass Broadband, allowing members to log onto the corresponding website to enjoy head-to-head competition streamed live online, from the comfort of their hotel room or the airport - anywhere with an internet connection.

Whichever sport keeps you glued to the TV, there's an inclusive package deal for you. Don't miss another away or non-local game.

Sports Fans Gear Up With Inclusive Packages

There are Direct TV packages for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're a sportsfan, a movie buff or an HD enthusiast. There is a channel package for you and you won't find better value than you will with Direct TV deals.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Join the Bandwagon of Online Businesses

The year is ending and so are a lot of old tired ideas. One of those tired ideas is that an online business doesn't help the country's economy and it's too difficult to run. Let's get real. If you have a chance to reach billions of potential customers, wouldn't you want that? And how about helping your own economy as well as helping others save money for a change?

Building your own online business is easier than you think especially with all the help available on the net itself. First up, you need a domain. That will cost you less than ten dollars, a very cheap start to a huge world of e-commerce. You can get a domain at and this is renewable every year. Once you get a suitable domain that reflects your shop and business, you will then need a hosting plan.

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There are plenty of free ones around but do note that with the promise of zero fees there are also plenty of strings and limitations attached. Plus no one likes to browse a shop laden with banners and pop ups. It's annoying and it's bound to chase away the most budding customers.

Join the Bandwagon of Online Businesses

You can get a good hosting plan for about 5-8 US dollars and this is a monthly payment. Yup, it definitely beats the price of a shop rental. The host I use for my shop is Imageleet and so far they've been great. There are plenty of other hosts that are just as good.

If you are a first timer, don't sign up for a hosting plan for one whole year or more. Although this is fine if you trust them, at times a hosting site can be disappointing. Having an online shop means you are subjected to down times and possible data loss. Sign up on a monthly plan instead so that if after a few months you feel that they are not up to par, then you can move on and find another hosting plan. I went through at least 3 hosting plans before finding one that I can totally rely on. Also some hosting companies might give you a hard time in giving you a refund if you decide to cancel on them after signing up for 1 year. You should always periodically back up your shop data to minimize tears of exasperation if an online catastrophe happens.

Now after getting yourself cozy with a hosting company, and with a domain in your pocket, you are set to go to the next step of your e-commerce adventure. And that is to conquer the scary shopping cart. Again I have gone through at least 3 shopping carts. OS Commerce was a mite too complex. Mal's Ecommerce was quite good, but after some time, I needed a more high end shopping cart that would allow me to have more control over my site. I found this in Zen Cart. It took me a couple of weeks to learn how to use Zen Cart and PHP. Even though I have no website design or developing background, I have to admit it was pretty straightforward. Plus the forums were immensely helpful for every small problem or question you might have.

There are plenty of Zen Cart templates designed by great people provided. With plenty of great modules and add ons, it became a great project to not just turn my shop into a working portal but to make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible. I tried a couple of templates before landing on the template that suited me. With a couple of tweaks and customization, my site was able to look pretty alright. Now before this turn into a pitch for Zen Cart, let me go through the most important points when it comes to designing and maintaining an online shop.

1. Honesty and transparency

I believe that every business should be based on honesty and transparency. There should be no hidden cost, hidden taxes or hidden policies. Whatever you have, you should always post it on your site. Be it return policies or payment policies, write it up all up. Do you want to make a quick buck or do you prefer a long term flow of cash? Run your business honestly and you will have customers return again and again. Tell your product as it is. Don't hide details just because you think it won't sell. Customers appreciate buying what they can understand. With the economy being so low at this point, people are more worried about spending money. Do your part in letting them know exactly what you're selling to them.

2. Membership

Your shopping cart should allow your customers to sign up and keep their addresses with your shop so that if they come again, all their information is already there. This is a huge time saver and it will keep your customers from losing patience. Who wants to fill up long forms again and again? The point of online shopping is the convenience of it all.

3. Testimonials

As you get customers and purchases, don't be afraid to ask for feedback. This benefits you in 2 ways. First you can publish their positive testimonials on your website. This helps new customers to decide whether they should trust you or not. Secondly you should never stop improving yourself and the only way to do it is if you give your customers an avenue to say what they want.

4. Blogging

This is another avenue for both you and the customer to interact. A place where you can post and they can comment. It's a place where you can announce your news, learn more and gain not just customers but friends.

5. Newsletter

Here you can take advantage of another way to reach to your customers. You can email them your shop updates, new products and exclusive contests. This helps to remind customers that you are still around if they need anything. But please, no spamming and if a customer asks to be unsubscribed, respect their decision and remove them from your mailing list. There is nothing worse than spamming in a business.

6. Contact page

Most importantly, be approachable! Let them know they can reach you at a phone number, email address and a mailing address. Nothing says shifty like a business that has no phone number or an email address. Would you trust the shop if you can't contact them? Last but not least with your online shop up and running, you can start on another invigorating part of the project. Internet marketing! That's a whole new ball game. I'll write another article about that soon.

Join the Bandwagon of Online Businesses

Hamidah Gul is a freelance published author who usually writes horror and comedy. Her stories have been published in US and UK, both online and in print. The most recent publication is the US printed book, Diabolic Tales II. She was featured in Diabolic Tales I as well. Her other love aside from writing is cross stitching. She loves creating her own work of arts as well as sharing this love with others through her personal online at

Aside from this, she also shares her guide and updates on both writing and cross stitching in her blog -

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sell Your Own Home - Procedure For Selling Your Property on Your Own

It's time to relocate and you would like to sell your current home. You also would like to avoid having to pay a real estate agent for their service- but what exactly is the procedure for selling your property on your own? It pays to do your research no matter what you are about to do, especially if this will be the first time that you do it. Real estate can be a wait and see game, and it will be in your best interest to up your chances of a quick, mutually beneficial sale. One of the very first things you will need to find out is if it is either a buyer or a seller's market at the time of your proposed sale.

After you find out the current temperature of the market, you will be able to start figuring out your pricing. You must know the value of your home as compared to the others in the neighborhood- there is no way to unload a mansion if it is surrounded by bungalows, nor can you expect the value of the neighbor's house if your home is missing most of its windows. That brings up another step in the process- taking care of small repairs and cosmetic updates so that your home is more attractive to those who may be driving by looking for homes. Many people do prefer to buy directly from the owner, again, forgoing the expense of the real estate agent.

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You probably already know that to sell anything, you need to advertise- but exactly how should you do it? A sign in the yard is a start, but that will only get the notice of those who are driving past your home already, effective if you live on a well traveled thorough fare, not so great if you live on a fairly deserted back country road. Make up fliers to hang near the sign for those who do drive by, and list all of the homes amenities. Be sure to be flattering, but not untruthful- you do want these people to come in eventually and how will you explain the missing chandelier? Next, list your home in the local papers- or possibly online. This is a techno-friendly world after all, and the Web may be one of your best friends in the quest to sell your home.

Sell Your Own Home - Procedure For Selling Your Property on Your Own

One of your final selling points might be the open house. Again, advertise in the paper or online and give yourself enough time to be well prepared. Put away the terribly valuable or breakable items, give the house a good spit shine cleaning, and burn vanilla or spiced scent candles to make it seem warm and cozy inside. Make sure that you play up the house's strong points and downplay the weaker points during this open house. Keep lookers around a little bit longer with the offer of coffee and maybe some baked goods and make sure to have all contact and pricing information ready to hand out to those who are interested further. These are all good examples of a procedure for selling your property on your own, now get out there and do it!

Sell Your Own Home - Procedure For Selling Your Property on Your Own

Gary Pearson is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about selling your home [] visit Easy Selling True Property [] for current articles and discussions.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Best Mobile Phones - Transforming Lives

We, humans, are social in nature. We like chatting up with old acquaintances; we like renewing bonds of friendship and we also like sharing our ideas and opinions with our friends and family. It is impossible for us to exist in a circumstantial vacuum. In addition to being social, we are fun loving. Many among us also like to keep ourselves updated with the latest on information and news, a practice which keeps us in good stead in this ever changing and competitive world. The latest mobile phones enable us to cater to all these diverse needs in a comprehensive manner. And this explains the growing popularity enjoyed by some of the latest and the best mobile phones. We can initiate the discussion by talking about third generation (3g) mobile phones. These highly sophisticated handsets can be used for making video calls, wherein it becomes possible to see the person that you are talking to and that too in real time! These 3g handsets can also be used to access the internet at high speeds and download information at the click of a button.

Apart from 3g handsets, mobile phones with multimedia capabilities as well as imaging options have also captured the imagination of phone users. People in different parts of the globe have been fascinated with the idea of using their handsets to capture images of some of the memorable moments from their life. Many among them have also been enthusiastic about using their mobiles for listening to music - a feature which has now become quite common and is presently available in many of the latest models of mobile phones. For instance, the latest handsets from Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and Motorola come with integrated mp3 players and digital cameras. In addition, it is possible to download intriguing mobile phone games and ringtones to many of the best mobile phones.

Online Game Update

So, what are you waiting for? Browse through an online mobile phone guide, get to know more about the latest features of some of the best mobile phones and take your pick from among the multitude of handsets and deals on offer. It can be said, with some degree of certainty, that owning the latest and best mobile phones would definitely transform your lives for the better!

Best Mobile Phones - Transforming Lives
Best Mobile Phones - Transforming Lives

Carly Charu is the webmaster [] and specializing in the different genres of mobile phone reviews and mobile phone networks

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Disney Pixar Cars Games

If you have not yet played Cars the movie games you have no idea what kind of fun you are missing. The Disney Cars game developed after the movie of the same name lets you race all those lovable characters in their own environment. You can race as your favorite character through Ornament Valley, Radiator springs or Tailfin Pass. The developers of Cars the movie games have made sure that you can enjoy racing your favorite characters on any kind of player. The Disney Cars game can be played on OS X, Microsoft Windows systems, Apple Mac, PSP, PS2, Xbox 360, Xbox, Nintendo DS, Wii, Nintendo GameCube and many more.

The Disney Pixar Cars games will introduce you into the wonderful world of the racing car Lightning McQueen and his friends that he meets in Radiator Springs. You will be able to take part in all the adventures of this fancy racing car and have a blast. These Disney Pixar games will let you race at the maximum speed, but they are fun car games at the same time. Besides speed, these games will also put you through funny situations that you will have to cope with.

Online Game Update

The basic story of the Disney Pixar Cars games is that of the race car Lightning McQueen that has only one target: that of winning. He is on his way to the Piston Cup Championship, one of the most prestigious races of the year. But Lightning McQueen gets lost on the way and here is where the real adventure begins. The race car gets to Radiator Springs, a long forgotten place where he meets a lot of funny characters.
In this place where not even the grass seems to grow, Lightning McQueen learns the lesson of his life, and realizes that races are not what life is about. He also gets to meet a former champion and a nice Porsche that he falls in love with.

Disney Pixar Cars Games

The Disney Pixar Cars games are full of surprises and you will enjoy every minute of playing. You can download a demo for free, and see that these are nothing but fun car games. You can also get the update of this game, which is compatible with all PCs.
The design of the Disney Pixar Cars games is impeccable, and when you play the game, it feels like you are actually part of the entire adventure.

There are several versions available of these fun car games; you should choose the updated one, as it is compatible with both Power PC and Intel Macs. The latest version was launched in the summer of 2006. So, when you are looking for some speed and fun, there's nothing better than the Disney Pixar Cars games, which will fulfill your need for speed and your need for adventure as well. These fun car games are intended both for children and adults, having lots to offer for either of these age categories.

Disney Pixar Cars Games

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