Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tips For Maintaining Your Privacy Online

Concerned about your online privacy? Here are some tips for protecting your privacy online:

Use Browser Settings

In Internet Explorer, it is very easy to increase or decrease your privacy settings. Click on TOOLS, then INTERNET OPTIONS. Click on the PRIVACY tab. Under this tab, you'll find a little tab that you can move up and down from ACCEPT ALL COOKIES to REJECT ALL COOKIES with several options in between. It is recommended to use the Medium-High setting. This allows you a robust browsing experience, while maintaining a very high amount of privacy.

Tips For Maintaining Your Privacy Online

In addition, still in the INTERNET OPTIONS window, click on the GENERAL tab and you'll see a button under BROWSING HISTORY that will delete all your cookies, history, temporary internet files, saved passwords and auto complete information from your computer. Use this button often, especially if you are using a computer in a public place such as an Internet cafe, library or someone else's house.

Email Tips

Try to use several email addresses for different correspondence. For example, create a separate email address for family and friends, another for business contacts and another for registering for websites, social networks and forums.

Another handy email tip is to use a disposable email address when you sign up for different websites, shopping and forums. A disposable email address works by creating a different identity/email address for each situation. Then when you start to receive unwanted email to a particular address, you can easily shut off or cancel that email address.

Use Anti-Virus and Spyware Programs Regularly

A crucial tip for anyone using the Internet and especially for anyone concerned about privacy is to use anti-virus and spyware programs daily. These programs will protect you from viruses that will affect your computer performance but also protect you from malicious code that may be sending your private information across the web to a hacker. Do yourself a favor and download AVG Anti-Virus, Ad-Aware SE and Spyware Blaster, all available from Each is completely free as well. Download these programs, install them and make sure they are scheduled to update and run daily. You can even have then run when you are away from your computer in the middle of the night or early in the morning. These programs, used on a regular basis and kept updated, will protect your computer from many possible privacy and security problems.

Review Privacy Policies

Most websites have a privacy policy link at the bottom of their homepage. Do yourself a favor and click this link and read up on what your favorite website plans to do with your personal information. If a website says that they sell, share or give your information to third parties for marketing purposes, then you've just signed up for more junk mail. Re-consider use of websites that either don't have a privacy policy or that don't promise not to share your personal information.

Browse Anonymously

Use proxy servers to surf the web. A proxy server will all you to surf the web anonymously. A proxy server works by sending your request through another server and then sending the web page back to you. Using a proxy is one of the few ways to surf anonymously on the web.

Tips For Maintaining Your Privacy Online
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Lydia Quinn writes for Productivus Directory, a free online directory to help make your more productive with your online time. Visit us at:

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