Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sell Your Own Home - Procedure For Selling Your Property on Your Own

It's time to relocate and you would like to sell your current home. You also would like to avoid having to pay a real estate agent for their service- but what exactly is the procedure for selling your property on your own? It pays to do your research no matter what you are about to do, especially if this will be the first time that you do it. Real estate can be a wait and see game, and it will be in your best interest to up your chances of a quick, mutually beneficial sale. One of the very first things you will need to find out is if it is either a buyer or a seller's market at the time of your proposed sale.

After you find out the current temperature of the market, you will be able to start figuring out your pricing. You must know the value of your home as compared to the others in the neighborhood- there is no way to unload a mansion if it is surrounded by bungalows, nor can you expect the value of the neighbor's house if your home is missing most of its windows. That brings up another step in the process- taking care of small repairs and cosmetic updates so that your home is more attractive to those who may be driving by looking for homes. Many people do prefer to buy directly from the owner, again, forgoing the expense of the real estate agent.

Online Game Update

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You probably already know that to sell anything, you need to advertise- but exactly how should you do it? A sign in the yard is a start, but that will only get the notice of those who are driving past your home already, effective if you live on a well traveled thorough fare, not so great if you live on a fairly deserted back country road. Make up fliers to hang near the sign for those who do drive by, and list all of the homes amenities. Be sure to be flattering, but not untruthful- you do want these people to come in eventually and how will you explain the missing chandelier? Next, list your home in the local papers- or possibly online. This is a techno-friendly world after all, and the Web may be one of your best friends in the quest to sell your home.

Sell Your Own Home - Procedure For Selling Your Property on Your Own

One of your final selling points might be the open house. Again, advertise in the paper or online and give yourself enough time to be well prepared. Put away the terribly valuable or breakable items, give the house a good spit shine cleaning, and burn vanilla or spiced scent candles to make it seem warm and cozy inside. Make sure that you play up the house's strong points and downplay the weaker points during this open house. Keep lookers around a little bit longer with the offer of coffee and maybe some baked goods and make sure to have all contact and pricing information ready to hand out to those who are interested further. These are all good examples of a procedure for selling your property on your own, now get out there and do it!

Sell Your Own Home - Procedure For Selling Your Property on Your Own

Gary Pearson is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about selling your home [] visit Easy Selling True Property [] for current articles and discussions.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Best Mobile Phones - Transforming Lives

We, humans, are social in nature. We like chatting up with old acquaintances; we like renewing bonds of friendship and we also like sharing our ideas and opinions with our friends and family. It is impossible for us to exist in a circumstantial vacuum. In addition to being social, we are fun loving. Many among us also like to keep ourselves updated with the latest on information and news, a practice which keeps us in good stead in this ever changing and competitive world. The latest mobile phones enable us to cater to all these diverse needs in a comprehensive manner. And this explains the growing popularity enjoyed by some of the latest and the best mobile phones. We can initiate the discussion by talking about third generation (3g) mobile phones. These highly sophisticated handsets can be used for making video calls, wherein it becomes possible to see the person that you are talking to and that too in real time! These 3g handsets can also be used to access the internet at high speeds and download information at the click of a button.

Apart from 3g handsets, mobile phones with multimedia capabilities as well as imaging options have also captured the imagination of phone users. People in different parts of the globe have been fascinated with the idea of using their handsets to capture images of some of the memorable moments from their life. Many among them have also been enthusiastic about using their mobiles for listening to music - a feature which has now become quite common and is presently available in many of the latest models of mobile phones. For instance, the latest handsets from Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and Motorola come with integrated mp3 players and digital cameras. In addition, it is possible to download intriguing mobile phone games and ringtones to many of the best mobile phones.

Online Game Update

So, what are you waiting for? Browse through an online mobile phone guide, get to know more about the latest features of some of the best mobile phones and take your pick from among the multitude of handsets and deals on offer. It can be said, with some degree of certainty, that owning the latest and best mobile phones would definitely transform your lives for the better!

Best Mobile Phones - Transforming Lives
Best Mobile Phones - Transforming Lives

Carly Charu is the webmaster [] and specializing in the different genres of mobile phone reviews and mobile phone networks

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Disney Pixar Cars Games

If you have not yet played Cars the movie games you have no idea what kind of fun you are missing. The Disney Cars game developed after the movie of the same name lets you race all those lovable characters in their own environment. You can race as your favorite character through Ornament Valley, Radiator springs or Tailfin Pass. The developers of Cars the movie games have made sure that you can enjoy racing your favorite characters on any kind of player. The Disney Cars game can be played on OS X, Microsoft Windows systems, Apple Mac, PSP, PS2, Xbox 360, Xbox, Nintendo DS, Wii, Nintendo GameCube and many more.

The Disney Pixar Cars games will introduce you into the wonderful world of the racing car Lightning McQueen and his friends that he meets in Radiator Springs. You will be able to take part in all the adventures of this fancy racing car and have a blast. These Disney Pixar games will let you race at the maximum speed, but they are fun car games at the same time. Besides speed, these games will also put you through funny situations that you will have to cope with.

Online Game Update

The basic story of the Disney Pixar Cars games is that of the race car Lightning McQueen that has only one target: that of winning. He is on his way to the Piston Cup Championship, one of the most prestigious races of the year. But Lightning McQueen gets lost on the way and here is where the real adventure begins. The race car gets to Radiator Springs, a long forgotten place where he meets a lot of funny characters.
In this place where not even the grass seems to grow, Lightning McQueen learns the lesson of his life, and realizes that races are not what life is about. He also gets to meet a former champion and a nice Porsche that he falls in love with.

Disney Pixar Cars Games

The Disney Pixar Cars games are full of surprises and you will enjoy every minute of playing. You can download a demo for free, and see that these are nothing but fun car games. You can also get the update of this game, which is compatible with all PCs.
The design of the Disney Pixar Cars games is impeccable, and when you play the game, it feels like you are actually part of the entire adventure.

There are several versions available of these fun car games; you should choose the updated one, as it is compatible with both Power PC and Intel Macs. The latest version was launched in the summer of 2006. So, when you are looking for some speed and fun, there's nothing better than the Disney Pixar Cars games, which will fulfill your need for speed and your need for adventure as well. These fun car games are intended both for children and adults, having lots to offer for either of these age categories.

Disney Pixar Cars Games

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Impact of Social Media on Society

"Do you have Facebook?"
"Yes, of course. But I don't think you can find me, as there are too many people who have the same name as me. Try searching with my surname as well."
"Hey, you celebrated your birthday in K-Box, right? I saw the photos in your Facebook."
"Bro, I saw your comments about the YouTube video that I've posted in my blog. I'm happy that you are also deeply moved by the 'Dancing Peacock Man' as well."

Social media or "social networking" has almost become part of our daily lives and being tossed around over the past few years. It is like any other media such as newspaper, radio and television but it is far more than just about sharing information and ideas. Social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Blogs have facilitated creation and exchange of ideas so quickly and widely than the conventional media. The power of define and control a brand is shifting from corporations and institutions to individuals and communities. It is no longer on the 5Cs (e.g. condominium, credit cards and car) that Singaporeans once talked about. Today, it is about the brand new Cs: creativity, communication, connection, creation (of new ideas and products), community (of shared interests), collaboration and (changing the game of) competition.

Online Game Update

In January 2010, InSites Consulting has conducted an online survey with 2,884 consumers from over 14 countries between the ages of 18 to 55 years old on social networking. More than 90% of participants know at least 1 social networking site and 72% of participants are members of at least 1 social networking site. On the average, people have about 195 friends and they log in twice a day to social networking sites. However, 55% of the users cannot access their social network websites at work. In the past, not many adults were able to make more than 500 friends, but with social media, even a child or teenager can get to know more than 500 people in a few days by just clicking the mouse. Social media has devalued the traditional definition of "friend" where it means trust, support, compatible values, etc. Although we get to know more people, we are not able to build strong bond with all the people whom we met as our available time is limited. Hence, there is an upcoming social trend of people with wider social circles, but weaker ties (people we don't know very well but who provide us with useful information and ideas).

Impact of Social Media on Society

Social media also influences people's buying behaviours. Digital Influence Group reported that 91% of the people say consumer reviews are the #1 aid to buying decisions and 87% trust a friend's recommendation over critic's review. It is thrice more likely to trust peer opinions over advertising for purchasing decisions. 1 word-of-mouth conversation has an impact of 200 TV ads. With the prevalence use of social media, there is numerous news related to it from the most viewed YouTube video on "Armless pianist wins 'China's Got Talent'" to Web-assisted suicide cases (e.g. New Jersey college student who killed himself after video of him in a sexual encounter with another man was posted online). Thus, does social networking make us better or worse off as a society?

Positive Effects of Social Media

Besides having opportunity to know a lot of people in a fast and easy way, social media also helped teenagers who have social or physical mobility restrictions to build and maintain relationships with their friends and families. Children who go overseas to study can still stay in meaningful contact with their parents. To a greater extend, there is anecdotal evidence of positive outcomes from these technologies.

In 2008, President-elected Obama won the election through the effective use of social media to reach millions of audience or voters. The Obama campaign had generated and distributed huge amount of contents and messages across email, SMS, social media platforms and their websites. Obama and his campaign team fully understood the fundamental social need that everyone shares - the need of being "who we are". Therefore, the campaign sent the message as "Because It's about YOU" and chose the right form of media to connect with individuals, call for actions and create community for a social movement. They encouraged citizens to share their voices, hold discussion parties in houses and run their own campaign meetings. It truly changed the delivery of political message.

Obama campaign had made 5 million "friends" on more than 15 social networking sites (3 million friends on Facebook itself) and posted nearly 2,000 YouTube videos which were watched over 80 million times. At its peak, their website,, had 8.5 million monthly visitors and produced 400,000 blog posts. In order to ensure that their contents were found by people, the Obama campaign spent .5 million on Google search in October alone, 0,000 on, 7,000 on Facebook in 2008, etc. Currently, Obama's Twitter account has close to 6 million followers.

In 2010, after the earthquake happened in Haiti, many of the official communication lines were down. The rest of the world was not able to grasp the full picture of the situation there. To facilitate the sharing of information and make up for the lack of information, social media came in very handy to report the news about the affected area on what happened and what help was needed. Tweets from many people provided an impressive overview of the ongoing events from the earthquake. BBC covered the event by combining tweets from the work of its reporter Matthew Price in Port-au-Prince at the ground. Guardian's live blog also used social media together with the information from other news organisations to report about the rescue mission.

It has been two years since CNN officially launched iReport as a section of its website where people can upload video material, with contact information. During the Haiti crisis, CNN had published a range of social media material but not all the materials were verified. The editorial staff would vet the reports from the citizen journalists and labeled them differently compared to unverified contents. On Facebook, a group, named "Earthquake Haiti", was formed to show support and share updates and news. It had more than 14,000 members and some users even pleaded for assistance to the injured Haitians in the group. Using email, Twitter and social networking sites like Facebook, thousands of volunteers as part of Project Ushahidi were able to map reports sent by people from Haiti.

The most impressive part of the social media's impact on Haiti is the charity text-message donations that soared to over million for the victims in Haiti. People interested in helping the victims are encouraged to text, tweet and publicize their support using various social networking sites. The Global Philanthropy Group had also started a campaign to ask wealthy people and celebrities, like Ben Stiller and John Legend to use Twitter and Facebook to encourage others to give to UNICEF. An aid worker, Saundra Schimmelpfennig, allowed the advice from other aid workers and donors to post on her blog regarding to choosing which charitable organisations to support. In the meantime, donors were asking questions in Twitter, Facebook and blogs about their donations and endorsements of their favourite charities. After every crisis, the social media for social cause becomes a more effective medium to spread the word.

Negative Effects of Social Media

There are always two sides of every coin. Social media is just a tool or mean for people to use. It is still up to the users on how to use this tool (just like a knife, can help you to cut food or hurt others). Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project and Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center conducted a study on "The Future of Online Socializing" from the highly engaged, diverse set of respondents to an online, opt-in survey consisted of 895 technology stakeholders and critics. The negative effects presented by the respondents included time spent online robs time from important face-to-face relationships; the internet fosters mostly shallow relationships; the act of leveraging the internet to engage in social connection exposes private information; the internet allows people to silo themselves, limiting their exposure to new ideas; and the internet is being used to engender intolerance.

Some respondents also highlighted that there will be development of some new psychological and medical syndromes that will be "variations of depression caused by the lack of meaningful quality relationships", and a "new world society". The term, "Social Networking", has begun to deceive the users to believe they are social creatures. For instance, spending a couple of hours using Farmville and chatting with friends concurrently does not convert into social skills. People become dependent on the technology and forget how to socialise in face-to-face context. The online personality of a person might be totally different from his/her offline character, causing chaos when the two personalities meet. It is apparent in online dating when the couple gets together in face-to-face for the first time. Their written profiles do not clearly represent their real-life characters. It is more enticing for people to type something that others want to hear than saying the truth.

Besides the "friendship", creators of social networking sites and users redefine the term, "privacy" in the Internet as well. The challenge in data privacy is to share data while protecting personally identifiable information. Almost any information posted on social networking sites is permanent. Whenever someone posts pictures or videos on the web, it becomes viral. When the user deletes a video from his/her social network, someone might have kept it and then posted it onto other sites like YouTube already. People post photographs and video files on social networking sites without thinking and the files can reappear at the worst possible time. In 2008, a video of a group of ACJC students hazing a female student in school on her birthday was circulated and another video of a SCDF recruit being "welcomed" (was hosed with water and tarred with shoe polish) to a local fire station made its way online.

Much news has been reported about online privacy breach in Facebook and Facebook is constantly revising their privacy policy and changing their privacy controls for the users. Interestingly, even when users delete their personal information and deactivate their Facebook account, Facebook will still keep that information and will continue to use it for data mining. A reporter asked whether the data will at least be anonymized. The Facebook representative declined to comment.

In the corporate world, human resource managers can access Facebook or MySpace to get to know about a candidate's true colours, especially when job seekers do not set their profiles to private. Research has found that almost half of employers have rejected a potential worker after finding incriminating material on their Facebook pages. Some employers have also checked the candidates' online details in Facebook pages to see if they are lying about their qualifications. Nowadays, younger generations have a complete disregard for their own privacy, opening doors to unwelcome predators or stalkers.

Impact of Social Media on Society

Raymond Tay
Founder & Trainer of Leader's Wheel LLP

Having strong interest in personal development and helping others.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft - A Quick Start Guide to Make 300 Gold a Day!

The reason that I have decided to write this article is because having been a player of WOW myself for 3 years it amazes me how many people pay for services for people to play the game for them!

I mean I understand that the game is tough and it can take quite a few hours put in to reach a higher level or earn enough gold but you will get people skipping this and just paying an online service to level them up and earn gold for their player and also pay a lot of money for this!

Online Game Update

This article is going to tell you how you can make gold in World of Warcraft and in such a way that you can do it yourself without running the risk of having your account banned and you will have more fun out of the game also!

How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft - A Quick Start Guide to Make 300 Gold a Day!

The quickest way to begin making gold in World of Warcraft is to go right back to your home city if you are a higher level that is, and pick up a few professions.

If you do not have a clue about which ones to pick then as a rule of thumb if you get mining and skinning you cannot go wrong and then all you need to do is go around the surrounding area of the home city and kill low level beats and mine copper.

Once you have done this and have got some copper ore and a few animal hides just go to the auction house and sell them at a reasonable price and you will soon see how easy it is to make gold in WOW.

As you progress up through the levels you will make more and more gold and have more than enough to get your epic flying mount when you get to level 70!

There are also other professions that you can do as well but for a quick start making gold on WOW this will do you well!

Of course if you want to know how to make even more gold then you should find a good WOW Gold guide and remember to look for one that has been updated for WOTLK as well and this will ensure you have the latest strategies to fill your pockets!

I hope this article has helped you and given you a few tips that you can use to make gold in World of Warcraft and wish you all the luck on your travels!

How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft - A Quick Start Guide to Make 300 Gold a Day!

For A Complete Step By Step Guide That Will Have You Making 300 Gold An Hour With Ease From Level 1 Click The Link Below:

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Download PS3 Games - Download Your PS3 Games Online

Do you want to download your PS3 Games from the internet? No more walking to your local games shop only to pay ridiculous amounts of money for a game you might not even enjoy playing? It's now possible to download all the latest PS3 Games online at any time you want!

But when downloading games from the internet it's easy to get confused. There are so many sites out there to choose from and a lot of them are scams. So where should you download from? And which sites should you avoid? There are a few simple rules you can follow that will assure you find a great site to download all your PS3 Games from.

Online Game Update

Firstly, although it's tempting to download games from 'torrent' sites (file sharing sites) its best to avoid them. The files on these sites aren't regulated and a lot of the time can contain viruses and spyware that even anti-virus software can't detect. Its best to join a paid site (which should only charge a small one time fee) and have access to there database of games for life. These databases are always being updated and so have all the latest games ready for you to download.

Download PS3 Games - Download Your PS3 Games Online

Next, you should choose a site which has all forms of media available to download, not just PS3 Games. The best sites will have music, movies and TV shows as well as games for all consoles (Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and PS3) so check for this before you join.

Finally, make sure the site offers a customer support service in case you have any problems or questions you need answering (the best sites offer 24/7 customer support) and that the site also has a money back guarantee in case your really not happy with the quality of their service.

Download PS3 Games - Download Your PS3 Games Online

Follow these simple rules when searching for a site to download PS3 Games from and you will find a great service that you can use for life. To Read a Review of One My Favorite Game Download Sites Click Here

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