Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft - A Quick Start Guide to Make 300 Gold a Day!

The reason that I have decided to write this article is because having been a player of WOW myself for 3 years it amazes me how many people pay for services for people to play the game for them!

I mean I understand that the game is tough and it can take quite a few hours put in to reach a higher level or earn enough gold but you will get people skipping this and just paying an online service to level them up and earn gold for their player and also pay a lot of money for this!

Online Game Update

This article is going to tell you how you can make gold in World of Warcraft and in such a way that you can do it yourself without running the risk of having your account banned and you will have more fun out of the game also!

How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft - A Quick Start Guide to Make 300 Gold a Day!

The quickest way to begin making gold in World of Warcraft is to go right back to your home city if you are a higher level that is, and pick up a few professions.

If you do not have a clue about which ones to pick then as a rule of thumb if you get mining and skinning you cannot go wrong and then all you need to do is go around the surrounding area of the home city and kill low level beats and mine copper.

Once you have done this and have got some copper ore and a few animal hides just go to the auction house and sell them at a reasonable price and you will soon see how easy it is to make gold in WOW.

As you progress up through the levels you will make more and more gold and have more than enough to get your epic flying mount when you get to level 70!

There are also other professions that you can do as well but for a quick start making gold on WOW this will do you well!

Of course if you want to know how to make even more gold then you should find a good WOW Gold guide and remember to look for one that has been updated for WOTLK as well and this will ensure you have the latest strategies to fill your pockets!

I hope this article has helped you and given you a few tips that you can use to make gold in World of Warcraft and wish you all the luck on your travels!

How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft - A Quick Start Guide to Make 300 Gold a Day!

For A Complete Step By Step Guide That Will Have You Making 300 Gold An Hour With Ease From Level 1 Click The Link Below:

Ultimate WOW Gold

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